Quienes Somos
Con más de noventa años de experiencia combinada, NES Fircroft (NES) se enorgullece de ser el principal proveedor de personal de ingeniería del mundo, especializado a nivel internacional en los sectores petrolero y gasístico, energía y renovables, infraestructura, ciencias de la vida, el sector minero, automotor y químico. Ofrecemos soluciones de selección de personal a medida, con trabajadores reclutados de una reserva de talento internacional por un equipo de consultores dedicados y especializados en cada una de las disciplinas.
Los trabajadores son la pieza clave de cualquier proyecto, y con más de 100 oficinas en 45 países, tenemos acceso a los mejores candidatos, sea en el país que sea. NES Fircroft ofrece UNA AMPLIA GAMA DE SOLUCIONES DE SELECCIÓN DE PERSONAL: contratación de personal temporal, contratación (directa) de personal fijo, soluciones gestionadas o un servicio totalmente externalizado. Esta oferta se complementa con un servicio de asistencia líder en el sector y con un paquete de movilidad internacional para garantizar que los clientes puedan disponer de los trabajadores de mayor talento respetando todas las normativas pertinentes y durante el tiempo que necesiten.
Celebramos cuatro décadas de éxitos
En 1978, Geoff Lloyd y Bryan Sullivan fundaron Northenden Engineering Services. La empresa era conocida como NES International, NES Overseas y, en muchas ocasiones, simplemente como «NES», antes de convertirse en NES Global Talent como resultado de una operación de renovación de marca realizada en 2011.
El negocio creció significativamente y fue adquirido por AEA Investors en 2021 por 234 millones de libras, más del triple del valor que la empresa tenía seis años antes.
Gracias a nuestra sólida base financiera, hemos podido realizar siete adquisiciones estratégicas en los últimos cinco años e incorporar a Energy People, RC Consultants, Sure Flow, Frontica Advantage, Ziegler's Oilfield Consulting, Redbock y Bedrock Petroleum Consultants a nuestra cartera. Esto implica que actualmente somos con diferencia el mayor proveedor de personal petrolero y gasístico del sector.
En los últimos años, también hemos conseguido diversificar nuestro negocio con éxito e introducir la marca NES en seis sectores complementarios, como el sector energético y de las ciencias de la vida, lo que no solo ha permitido que nuestro negocio perdure, sino que continúe prosperando en todo el mundo. En 2020 asistimos a un mayor crecimiento tras el alineamiento estratégico entre NES Global Talent y el Grupo Fircroft, lo que supuso el nacimiento de NES Fircroft, una de las empresas de recursos humanos para el sector técnico y de la ingeniería más importantes del mundo.
Awards & Accolades
NES Fircroft prides itself on delivering quality, award winning services. Our success is based upon establishing a culture of excellence throughout the organisation and putting customer satisfaction at the centre of everything we do.
Meet the Team
KindNES Foundation
The NES Fircroft Foundation was established in 2022 to bring our teams together across the world and leverage our scale to make a greater difference in our local communities and the global environment in which we operate.

Diversity Commitment
With over 80 offices around the globe NES Fircroft has a diverse workforce and we recognise, respect and value the diverse nature of the wider society in which we operate.
However we do not feel it is enough to simply implement procedures in line with equality legislation and we have broadened our approach to ensure we are working towards being market leaders in tackling diversity issues and are supporting our clients to achieve their diversity goals.

Core Values
Our customers are at the centre of everything we do.
- Our first priority is to deliver safe, efficient and effective workforce solutions that help our clients meet their objectives to transform their businesses for the future.
- Contractors and candidates are valued customers. We aim to offer employment opportunities in local communities or worldwide where their skills are needed.
- Our support teams are dedicated to enabling and empowering their colleagues to ensure we can continue to supply leading engineering talent on projects that make a difference.
We do the right things in the right way every time.
- Personal integrity and responsibility are the foundations of our business, and we own our responsibility to our customers, colleagues and shareholders. We differentiate our workforce solutions on the basis of compliance and hold ourselves and our suppliers to the highest standards to protect our people and those in our supply chains.
- We are committed to minimising our impact on the environment and supporting projects that are fundamental to the global energy transition, carbon neutral projects and renewable energy, as well as innovations in power, chemicals and life sciences.
We bring passion and determination to our work every day.
- We work harder and smarter to improve quality and standards within our profession.
- We look to grow and develop our own talent, providing employment opportunities all over the world.
- We give back to those around us and in our communities supporting local causes where we can make a real difference
Our business is dynamic and customised to the needs and opportunities of the local markets where we compete.
- We are creative, adaptive and innovative to ensure we evolve with our clients to meet their changing needs and also those of our planet.
- We look for new opportunities to improve our processes and evolve our working practices.
We work together as one team, always.
- Our collaboration – globally and locally – sets us apart.
- We strive to be the best in our industry, for our employees, our customers and for future generations.
- We recognise, respect and value diversity; it makes us better.
ISO Governance
Our services are underpinned by a management system framework focused on governance, compliance and improvement. We integrate processes to secure conformity, seek customer satisfaction and give assurances that support our business, that safeguard employees and other stakeholders, and that promote sustainability
Our policy and business practices are aligned to the international standards of ISO9001 Quality Management, ISO14001 Environmental Management and ISO45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management.
Formal certification for the ‘provision of staffing solutions to industry and professions’ is in place across our head office and specific regional offices in Australia, Canada, UK, Norway, and USA. Our management system, its principles and defined processes are however implemented across the global business involving employees at all levels.
We shall continue to focus on continual improvement in line with business growth and expansion, and to continue to apply the core elements of our management systems across our global business.
Assurance and Satisfaction
Being ISO certified ensures that we maintain consistency in our internal processes and enables us to deliver a high level of satisfaction to both candidates and clients. Customers can be confident that we are listening to their needs and delivering staffing solutions to meet both their requirements and any legislative obligations, no matter where in the world they may be. Customer feedback enables us to act on these assurances by monitoring satisfaction levels, determining improvements and taking appropriate action.
Customer Focus Surveys are conducted regularly across the global business; A Net Promoter System® (NPS) is implemented as a basis for these surveys across all customer groups, with further questions incorporated to gauge overall relationship and satisfaction.