Our client is based in Germany and struggles to secure highly experienced Research & Development personnel on their clinical development projects.
The specialist nature of their work means that the client frequently needs contractors with at least 10 years’ experience in the field, a field which is becoming increasingly competitive as clinical investment levels continue to soar across the European Life Science market.
Our client has several in-country MSP recruitment partners at Tier 1 status, but all are limited to Germany-centric talent pools. The client therefore needed a new agency with a different recruitment approach and access to a broader, international candidate market; when the Tier 1 providers failed to meet the recruitment scope, NES Fircroft’s European office network secured our Tier 2 status with the client in their challenger phase.
Our Solution
NES Fircroft’s vast European market reach, evidenced through physical office locations in the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland and Poland ensured that we had access to a vastly larger candidate pool than any of the client’s other suppliers. We truly listened to the client’s pain points to deliver a seamless and timely recruitment solution.
Our support encompassed a compliant sub-contracting model. We applied a comprehensive and methodological candidate search:
- Using our established LinkedIn network and existing contractor relationships we approached candidates all over Europe. In particular, the UK has a wealthy Research & Development candidate market which our Manchester-based recruiters could leverage with ease.
- Our client’s digital recruitment portal means that we can only submit 3 CVs maximum per position, making it imperative that the shortlist is exceptionally qualified in the first instance
- Our unrivalled network delivered candidates from Germany, the UK, France and Switzerland
- Our award-winning finance team orchestrate all payroll activities and ensure that all contractors receive their pay on time, applying all applicable taxes to ensure adherence with national and cross border legislation

The results of our support
The success and speed of our recruitment support has elevated our status to that of Tier 1 supplier.
In total we made 7 highly senior placements within the challenger phase including:
- Clinical Development
- Pharmacovigilance
- Drug Safety
- Medical Writing
- Safety Scientists
- Discovery and Development Technologies
We now look forward to supporting the client with further hiring needs as their project count continues.