Our client's principal contractor was drastically behind schedule; it was agreed that the facility would be running by the end of 2017, and by 2020 the build remained unfinished.
To regain control of the project, the client let the principal contractor go and decided they would recruit their own construction and commissioning team to finish the site build.
The client was desperately behind on their original forecasted timescales and wanted to complete the site build as quickly as possible to avoid further disruption and reputational damage. Acting in a different capacity, the client did not have access to the right talent pools, which was worsened by the fact that the Surrey-based operation was not located in an area renowned for Construction and Commissioning talent.
The recruitment drive took place during the Coronavirus pandemic, adding further strain to the scope. In addition, the design and engineering team had selected an advanced combustion technology (gasification) based, which only a very small amount of personnel had previous exposure to. With our demonstrable experience in staffing the UK power market, the client sought the help of NES Fircroft.
Our Recruitment Solution
NES Fircroft has several offices across the UK which have collectively supported construction and commissioning projects across the whole power spectrum. We appointed a dedicated recruitment consultant to manage the scope and act as the client’s key liaison point.

Talent pool access
The junior status of the client’s technology meant that the talent pool with exposure to the technology was exceptionally niche. Through decades of operation within the power market we have built a significantly large UK talent pool, and through this were able to facilitate introductions to the right people, locating contractors with the required elusive knowledge.

Market mapping and rate benchmarking
The client specifically sought personnel with experience gained from other energy from waste projects that had also adopted similar ACT gasification processes. Our consultants researched the UK marketplace to locate talent hotspots to target the recruitment campaign. We also advised the client regarding appropriate pay rates to ensure suitable candidate interest.

IR35 consultancy
Through our UK experience we have developed an extensive understanding of IR35 legislation and became instrumental in shaping the client’s IR35 policy. We raised awareness of the legislation across their hiring managers and provided guidance, educating them as to how they could compliantly engage contractors in this respect.

Extensive candidate screening
The urgency of the recruitment drive meant we did not want to waste any time whatsoever in appointing prospective candidates unless we were absolutely sure that they met every single one of the client’s hiring requirements.

Skillset consultancy
The client did not have extensive knowledge regarding which skillsets they would need for the site build. Having supported 20+ energy from waste projects in just the last 5 years, our consultant was on hand to advise and manage the search accordingly.

Our award-winning payroll team ensure a seamless payroll service and apply all applicable taxes for compliance.

To date we have placed the client’s entire team; 12 contractors across commissioning and start-up disciplines. Contractors have been sourced across the country, from Edinburgh to Teesside and Cardiff.
The Results
- Within just 6 weeks we had resourced, interviewed and compliantly onboarded the client’s entire team needed for the project scope.
- We only appointed the topmost talent after an intensive screening process and this is evident in that for the 12 vacancies, we have sent just 14 CVs.
- An additional contractor was appointed following our recommendation; whilst the client was not initially offering a vacancy for this specific remit, we located a contractor with exceptional technical experience of the client’s advanced combustion technology. We encouraged the client to interview them, and they quickly became a valuable member of the team, enabling a more efficient commissioning process.
- The client has commented on our ability to short-list such suitable candidates and as such we have become an invaluable recruitment partner.