The Tayseer Gas field development site is located 35 km north of Petroleum Development Oman’s (PDO) Budour NE fields, and 20km west of Al Noor Production Station.
The site is large - field testing proved a gas-initially inplace (GIIP) volume of around 12.6 billion cubic metres (BCM), and condensate-initially-in-place (CIIP) volume of 8.8 MMm3.
The client was initially working with other workforce suppliers to staff the project. As time went by, it transpired that their suppliers were struggling to provide a compliant visa service. The client had experienced continuous delays regarding personnel mobilisation dates as the existing agents struggled to obtain visas from the Ministry; it was taking an average of 4-8 weeks for their supplier to get personnel into the country and onto site.
Our Solution
Our client needed the support of an in-country workforce solutions partner with demonstrable experience of obtaining compliant visas for personnel, and quickly.
- We appointed a dedicated Account Manager to the client’s account who worked closely with the client and introduced an efficient onboarding process.
The new process enabled the timeframe for average onboarding to be reduced from 4-8 weeks, down to an average 1-2 weeks. Our rapid but thorough process enabled the client to get back to their project schedule and meet their established milestones. - The successful transition of contractors and the new hires we sourced has led to NES becoming the single source supplier for all of the client’s future visa and payroll requirements moving forward.
The business relationship has also been extended outside of Oman, with a Recruitment Services Agreement now in place for the client’s UAE and Iraq operations.

The results of our support
At the project’s peak, NES supported over 30 contractors working across a range of roles including Operators, Technicians and Engineers.
Our rapid but thorough processes enabled the client to get back to their project schedule and meet their established milestones.