5 Best Apps For Global Communication


Assignees, such as Oil & Gas contractors, can work across the world and often spend long...

Lauren McGuire

By Lauren McGuire

Assignees, such as Oil & Gas contractors, can work across the world and often spend long periods away from their loved ones depending on their assignment type. But gone are the days of communicating by letters alone – advancements in technology over the last 20 years, and smartphones in particular, have provided a multitude of options for those wishing to communicate with their loved ones, no matter where they are in the world.

These options come in the form of apps which work across Wi-Fi / 3G /4G - so as long as you have access to the internet, you can avoid being charged international roaming charges to contact your loved ones. In this article, we discuss the top apps you can use to communicate with your loved ones across the globe.


We can't talk about communication apps without mentioning Skype - a well-recognised service since its beta launch in 2003. Skype allows users to communicate with other skype users in real-time via call, video call, or instant message for free over the internet.

You can also use the group feature to video chat with larger numbers of people at once, meaning you can have weekly catch-ups with family, even if they all live in different locations. You can use the apps on your phone or tablet, but can also use Skype on your laptop or desktop computer. Find out more about Skype.


One of the main benefits of using WhatsApp is its popularity and ease of use. Simple set-up and syncing with your existing contacts, WhatsApp supports text, audio, video, and other features such as emoticons, and is available on all the mobile phone platforms.

You can also see when the message has been delivered and read and can control the data usage associated with the app. You can set up groups and message with multiple users at one time with the added bonus that it’s advert-free and features end-to-end encryption. Find out more about WhatsApp. 


Viber allows you to make free audio calls, video calls and instant messages and gives you the ability to send photos and locations. Like WhatsApp, as long as you have your contact’s details already in your phone and they have the app too, you can communicate for free.

Viber runs in the background without using much battery, so you are instantly notified if someone calls or messages. 'Viber Out' lets you call non-Viber numbers and landlines across the world and although this a paid feature, you would still save money with cheaper rates. Find out more about Viber. 

Google Duo 

An app by Google, Google Duo focuses on high-quality video calling, instead of instant messaging, with up to 8 people. Google makes it super simple for you to use, with features such as one-tap calling and smooth transition from Wi-Fi to 3G/4G should you lose signal.

You can also send a video message if the person you’re trying to reach is unable to pick up. The service also allows you to see the person calling you before you answer. Find out more about Google Duo. 

Facebook Messenger 

One of the biggest reasons to use the Messenger app is the fact that it utilises the Facebook network to communicate, and most people are on Facebook. You can send other users messages, exchange photos, audio files, as well as voice calls and audio calls.

You can also make group video calls with Messenger after a recent update was made and play games. On Android, the app lets you keep a floating chat icon on your screen, which can be convenient to alert you when you have a new message. Find out more about Facebook Messenger. 

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