The NES Fircroft New Zealand Team Commit To A “Beach Clean Up”
12 Nov, 20210:47 MinutesAs part of our NESF ‘Belong’ initiative, the NZ team decided to dedicate some time to clean ...

As part of our NESF ‘Belong’ initiative, the NZ team decided to dedicate some time to clean up a 2km stretch of beach from Waiwhakaiho through to the river mouth in the northern end of the city in New Plymouth.
The ‘Belong’ Groups at NES are run by staff and were established to ensure everyone felt part of the NESF family - supporting causes and addressing issues which mattered to them. This month “Team New Zealand” spent the morning collecting rubbish along the beach to raise awareness of our impact on the environment as well as assisting in promoting fitness within our team.
Bruce Jordan, Operations Manager said:
“Timing for the event was towards the end of stormy weather (with strong southerly offshore winds making the exercise challenging!) but knowing that rubbish would have been picked up by the wind from the city gave us extra motivation to collect the rubbish before it would be blown out to sea.”
The event was a huge success and reinforced to our staff the importance of looking after our environment for future generations as around 90% of the rubbish collected was plastics destined for the ocean!
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